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Do you want to streamline your selling, make better offers, increase your credibility, and improve your online presence? Please join one of RBI's upcoming webinars and learn tips on how to build your business using CVRMLS market statistics.

Below is a schedule of upcoming RBI webinars. Click on one of the times below to register! Check back often to see additional times and topics as new webinars are added.

Take your business to the next level with rbiEXPERT

Join us for a comprehensive overview of the power behind RBI's data. Maximize your ability to Add Local Market Stats to your website or blog with an Auto Update feature. Build effective marketing plans based upon data derived from your MLS using the Compare to Past and Compare to Other Areas features. Cement your relationships and remain top of mind with your clients and prospects by providing the latest local market stats, reports and interactive charts. Join us for a Free 45 minute Webinar that dives into “What’s in it for me?” if I upgrade to rbiEXPERT. Uncover the secrets the Pros use to list more, sell more and earn more every day by using the power of rbiEXPERT!

Thursday, October 24
1:30 am - 2:15 pm Register Here

Maximize your rbiEXPERT Subscription

Learn all the tips and tricks on how to use the rbiEXPERT product to its maximum potential. Join us to find out how to:

  • Use rbiEXPERT in your Social Media Campaigns
  • Embed rbiEXPERT charts in your website
  • Use rbiEXPERT in your Listing Presentations
Wednesday, October 23
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm Register Here