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Demo videos

Sometimes a 2-minute video is the best way to learn how to use something. We know you're busy, but take a few minutes to watch these how-to demos to understand how to get the most out of your RBI subscription. Knowing how to use RBI features to inform, impress and most importantly, close potential clients is well worth your time.

Note, we're in the process of creating our "RBI Help Series," offering specific tips & techniques to use rbiEXPERT to improve your day-to-day real estate business. We have plenty more to come, but for now you can take a peek at any (or all) of our initial videos here.

RBI Help Series

Generate Leads and Referrals

Winning Contract Presentations

Stay in Touch with Clients & Prospects

Logging in to RBI

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What are RBI interactive charts?

RBI's high-quality tables and charts illustrate reliable and customizable stats for your county or ZIP directly from MLS data. 

You can tailor these basic graphs to suit your interests by selecting the location, time range, and housing characteristics you would like to examine. Easily choose a ZIP or a region, a trend like Average Sold Price going back from 3 months to five years, and listing variables, such as home type or square footage. The result is a uniquely customized interactive chart that can be easily shared, embedded or printed. 

Watch this tutorial for a quick overview of all your options.

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How do I transfer charts to my website or blog?

After you've created a chart, you can easily demonstrate your understanding of the local market by adding the chart you've created on RBI on your website or other social media outlets. 

Clicking the "embed" button in the upper-right hand corner of your chart window will enable you to put a dynamic version of the chart you've customized directly on your site. A simple HTML snippet will be generated that you can easily copy and paste to your site or blog in two clicks. No complicated coding or development resources are required-- RBI ensures your graph will remain up-to-date.

Watch this tutorial for a specific example of embedding a chart.

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How do I download custom statistics?

Clicking the "Print/Export" button in the upper-right hand corner of your chart window allows you to save your customized chart to your computer. You can choose to save the image as a PDF or PNG. RBI also gives you the option to download the data via XLS - perfect for any agent that prefers to see raw data and construct their own analysis.

Watch this tutorial to see how to use each of these options to suit you and your clients' needs.