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March 2015 Real Estate Market Statistics for

Central Virginia Regional MLS


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March 2015 Summary

Total Sold Dollar Volume$306,252,952+39.97%+53.41%
Closed Sales1,249+35.17%+50.85%
Median Sold Price$210,607+5.3%+5.17%
Avg Sold Price$245,199+3.55%+1.7%
Avg Sold to Orig List Ratio95.92%+0.72%+0.62%

March 2015 Summary:


Market Activity | Central Virginia Regional MLS

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Central Virginia Regional MLS

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Central Virginia Regional MLS

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Avg Sold to Orig List Price Ratio | Central Virginia Regional MLS

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Central Virginia Regional MLS Reports

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Explore Central Virginia Regional MLS

Select a metric from the choices on the left to explore the information for the current geographic location. The areas within this location are listed along with the metric values, the change in value from the same month last year, and the change from last month to see which areas are moving in positive or negative directions. Click on the headers to sort by any of the items listed. Explore the metrics to find information you can use with your social media campaigns, newsletters or other communications to your clients and customers.

CountyMedian Sold PriceChange from
March 2014
Change from
last month
Charles City $96,500-11.67%-17.84%
Chesterfield $214,5007.25%3.75%
Dinwiddie $158,0008.59%5.33%
Goochland $407,450-0.62%8.96%
Greensville $0n/an/a
Hanover $266,00016.22%-2.39%
Henrico $210,0003.45%3.58%
King William $172,975-3.1%8.11%
New Kent $261,24516.64%9.54%
Powhatan $233,725-2.21%-25.21%
Prince George $205,00011.11%15.17%
Surry $32,000n/an/a
Sussex $127,000345.61%-3.39%
Colonial Heights City $140,00037.56%-24.32%
Emporia City $0n/an/a
Hopewell City $116,00049.39%36.47%
Petersburg City $68,600-4.06%30.67%
Richmond City $200,0003.2%30.83%
CountySold to OLP RatioChange from
March 2014
Change from
last month
Charles City 87.29%-7.62%-4.08%
Chesterfield 97.71%1.1%1.18%
Dinwiddie 92.21%4.07%-1.8%
Goochland 96.56%0.36%-0.86%
Greensville 0%n/an/a
Hanover 97.28%-1.22%0.12%
Henrico 95.87%0.33%0.48%
King William 91.47%3.06%-3.79%
New Kent 97.28%4.79%-0.07%
Powhatan 94.31%-1.17%-5.35%
Prince George 97.34%4.45%1.57%
Surry 96.96%n/an/a
Sussex 98.44%50.77%1.99%
Colonial Heights City 94.41%9.49%0.85%
Emporia City 0%n/an/a
Hopewell City 91.88%6.56%1.6%
Petersburg City 83.29%-3.08%-2.3%
Richmond City 94.54%-0.93%2.43%
County# of Closed SalesChange from
March 2014
Change from
last month
Charles City 433.33%0%
Chesterfield 37943.02%52.82%
Dinwiddie 2237.5%22.22%
Goochland 3042.86%50%
Greensville 0n/an/a
Hanover 10516.67%45.83%
Henrico 36547.18%52.08%
King William 20122.22%5.26%
New Kent 2644.44%62.5%
Powhatan 28-3.45%75%
Prince George 230%35.29%
Surry 1n/an/a
Sussex 1-75%-75%
Colonial Heights City 9-50%0%
Emporia City 0n/an/a
Hopewell City 12-14.29%-7.69%
Petersburg City 2460%71.43%
Richmond City 20032.45%69.49%
County# of Pending SalesChange from
March 2014
Change from
last month
Charles City 30%-57.14%
Chesterfield 57814%27.31%
Dinwiddie 2750%50%
Goochland 23-14.81%-34.29%
Greensville 10%n/a
Hanover 19429.33%48.09%
Henrico 52318.59%23.64%
King William 2011.11%-33.33%
New Kent 4141.38%28.13%
Powhatan 43-2.27%22.86%
Prince George 297.41%3.57%
Surry 0n/a-100%
Sussex 0-100%-100%
Colonial Heights City 2246.67%37.5%
Emporia City 0n/an/a
Hopewell City 18-40%-10%
Petersburg City 2053.85%-28.57%
Richmond City 3096.55%35.53%
County# of New ListingsChange from
March 2014
Change from
last month
Charles City 6-33.33%-14.29%
Chesterfield 7676.53%43.36%
Dinwiddie 4518.42%40.63%
Goochland 476.82%6.82%
Greensville 1n/an/a
Hanover 25430.93%51.19%
Henrico 63225.4%43.31%
King William 550%34.15%
New Kent 5813.73%70.59%
Powhatan 57-12.31%14%
Prince George 4412.82%15.79%
Surry 350%0%
Sussex 7-12.5%40%
Colonial Heights City 18-30.77%-33.33%
Emporia City 0n/an/a
Hopewell City 31-11.43%10.71%
Petersburg City 38-13.64%26.67%
Richmond City 374-9.22%44.4%
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